Monday, October 31, 2016

LAD #10: Monroe Doctrine

A cartoon depicting the main takeaway from the Monroe Doctrine
What did the issuing of the Monroe Doctrine express from an American perspective post War of 1812?
The War of 1812 started after Britain interfered with the United States by impressing sailors and not removing troops from US territory. The doctrine is stating that Europe should refrain from interfering with the development of America. America was tired of other countries trying to run America and treat it like a colony.

What was Secretary of State Adams' hope when he wrote the Monroe Doctrine?
Adams wanted Europeans to stop interfering with US affairs. He wrote that "it is impossible that the allied power should extend their political system to any portion of either continent, without endangering our peace and happiness." In addition, Adams wanted the US to maintain friendly relations with other nations while staying neutral, as written in the last sentence: "It is still the true policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, in the hope that other powers will pursue the same course."

What is the key phrase in the entire document that you need to remember as the cornerstone of American foreign policy?
The final sentence, quoted above, stating that America will remain neutral. This policy goes all the way back to Washington and his Neutrality Proclamation. America will leave the other nations alone, and hopefully they will reciprocate.
The "hands off" idea in the Monroe Doctrine cartoon above is often associated with laissez-faire
The doctrine asking other nations to leave America alone is similar to the idea of laissez-faire, in which people of a nation ask their government to stay out of business. Laissez-faire was advocated for during the Antebellum period, as southern planters wanted the government to remove tariffs on the exporting of their products.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

LAD #9

Thomas Jefferson
In his first inaugural address, Jefferson begins by saying that America is on the rise. It is expanding, great production is coming from the nation's manufacturers, and America is engaged in good trade. He continues, asking Americans to unite. Jefferson tells Americans not to let the political parties divide the people. He also advises citizens to trust the system of government in place, don't worry that the government doesn't have enough power. He said the government is quite strong because people respect the law and care about the good of the nation. Jefferson contrasts the state of America with the state of Europe, saying that life in America, particularly popular sovereignty, is great in comparison to the turmoil occurring in Europe at the same time. He says that America has many of the qualities necessary for a happy and prosperous nation, citing the great people and vast land. He then says the one thing that will complete the happiness of America is a government that prevents people from hurting each other, but does not regulate business, and does not tax too heavily. He says this is the epitome of a good government. He then goes over what he believes are the essential principles of the government. First, he says, is equal justice for all men, regardless of religion or political party. Then, honest friendship with all nations, and no entangling alliances. He also believes the support of the state governments is important, as well as preserving the government as the Constitution intends it to be. These principles are proven to be successful as they guided the nation through a revolution and the formation of our country. He finishes by saying he believes his prior experience in government has prepared him for this position, and asks in advance for forgiveness for any mistakes he will make in office. His goal in office is to maintain the approval of the citizens, which got him elected in the first place, and to bring happiness and peace to all Americans.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
Jefferson asking Americans to unite and not let political parties divide the nation brings to mind the current Presidential election, where many people are so strongly in support of one candidate or the other that the parties may be dividing the nation once more, as they did in 1800, when Jefferson was elected.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Should Christopher Columbus be considered a hero or villain?

Christopher Columbus
Columbus should be considered a villain because he committed a holocaust of the Native Americans. Upon landing in the New World, Columbus instantly took natives as prisoners and forced them to take him to the source of gold. Throughout his expeditions, he took natives captive with each new island he hit, using them as slaves. Columbus made an outlandish promise of bringing back lots of gold that simply was not present in the region, so he made the natives find gold, and when they did not find enough, they had their hands amputated. If they fled, they were hunted down by dogs. Once the small amount of gold was picked over, the natives became slaves on encomiendas.
Columbus's encounter with natives is like American imperialism in Hawaii. In Columbus's voyage, he ended up in total control of the region, like the US controlled all of Hawaii's ports, buildings, and military equipment.