Wednesday, December 21, 2016

LAD #25

Senator Henry Dawes, the author of the act bearing his name
The Dawes Act was an attempt to assimilate Native Americans into American society. Reservations were broken up into parts that were given to the head of each family, and each individual living alone. If they behaved (to American standards), the property became theirs and they became American citizens after 25 years. Leftover land was sold to fund government efforts to "civilize" the natives. The "Five Civilized Tribes" - the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles - were exempt from the act.
A depiction of "forty acres and a mule"
This act is similar to the "forty acres and a mule" that were given to newly freed black people after the Civil War. Like the Dawes Act, the federal government gave a marginalized group of people a plot of land to allow them to become a part of American society. Also, both efforts failed, as the land given in the Dawes Act was unsuitable for farming, and turned out to be too small, and President Andrew Johnson ended the forty acres policy, and many blacks had their land taken away as Johnson redistributed the land to whites.

LAD #24: Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan
At the 1896 Democratic National Convention, William Jennings Bryan says that he supports free silver (bimetallism), since he believes it would bring the nation prosperity. He also strongly opposed gold, saying that America should not just have a gold standard because England does, and that America does not need help from another country to use silver ("let England have bimetallism because the United States have"). Bryan believes that America needs an Andrew Jackson to "stand . . . against the encroachments of aggregated wealth." Bryan then defends the income tax, saying it justly puts the burdens of the government on the backs of the people - the government protects the people, so it's fair that the people are paying the government back for their protection. He says that Democrats are against the bank currency, and again complements Jackson, saying that in destroying the bank he "saved America." This speech gave Bryan recognition and led to his nomination for President.
Andrew Jackson
Bryan's speech is similar to Specie Circular, issued by Andrew Jackson. In both instances, the men are advocating for a change in acceptable currency. Jackson requires gold or silver to buy land instead of paper money, while Bryan wants to change from a gold standard to bimetallism, in which silver is an acceptable currencty.

LAD #23: Populists

The Populist Party nominating convention in 1890
The Populist Party was formed to appeal to workers ("we seek to restore the government of the Republic to the hands of the 'plain people.'"). They wrote that workers should be able to unionize, and fought for a shortened workday and reasonable wages. The Populists favored an involved government, including government ownership of railroads, the telegraph, and the telephone. Also, they wanted restricted immigration - land owned by foreigners should be reclaimed by the government and given to "actual settlers." Plus, the Populists sought a more direct democracy - they wanted direct election of Senators, and a free ballot and fair count, expressing their displeasure with the corruption in elections. In addition, they demanded free and unlimited gold and silver coins, and thought that the country's money should be kept in the hands of the people - the state and national revenue should only be for the necessary expenses of the government - otherwise the money should be with the people.
Alexander Hamilton, a prominent Federalist
The Populist Party is similar to the Federalist Party, since both parties desired a strong central government influence in the lives of the people.

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

President William McKinley
McKinley says that the current revolution is just one of many that have occurred in Cuba against Spain over the last fifty years. The revolutions have been a lot of trouble for America, since the US had to enforce its neutrality laws, and the revolutions were a disturbance to the American people. And, American trade has been hurt by the revolutions, and the money that citizens invested in Cuba had been mostly lost. McKinley says that a victor in the war is unlikely, and what will probably occur is that one or both sides will get tired. He cited a previous speech in which he said that a proclamation of neutrality would not help towards calming the situation in Cuba, and he still believes this. He then suggests ways to help end the war - either as an impartial neutral, by suggesting a compromise, or as an ally of one of the countries. McKinley advocates for an armed intervention to free Cubans from the Spanish.
President James K. Polk
McKinley's War Message is similar to Polk's War Message since in both instances, the President recommends war to solve an issue that is detrimental to the American people. In Polk's case, there was violence on America's soil as America was in the fight for Texas, and in McKinley's case, the revolutions in Cuba are an irritation to the American people and have hurt trade and the finances of the people.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

LAD #21

Andrew Carnegie
In his essay titled the Gospel of Wealth written in 1889, Andrew Carnegie wrote that a society in which only a few have wealth was the most natural and efficient result of capitalism. He also wrote that the difference in lifestyle between the wealthy and the working class was greater than ever. This is not a bad thing, and is actually beneficial since it is important to have patrons of the arts who fill their homes with fine artwork and literature. He also wrote of the benefits of being wealthy - having wealth allows for a high quality of life, including an education.

Carnegie then discusses what to do with wealth - it can be given to descendants, donated, or spent. With great wealth comes responsibility - the newly wealthy, self-made upper class needed to be philanthropic, but it was dangerous to give money to groups that cannot mentally or emotionally handle it. Also, wealthy people need to set an example of modest living, and to consider any extra wealth as trust funds to be used to the betterment of their community. The final responsibility of the wealthy class is to help those with less by providing wisdom and experience.
Poor Richard's Almanack
The Gospel of Wealth is similar to Poor Richard's Almanack, written by Benjamin Franklin. Both works contain advice and important information on how to be successful from a well-known and well-respected voice in society.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

LAD #20

The text of the beginning of the proclamation
In the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln said that all slaves in the rebelling states would be free, but those in the border states would not be. He says these freed people should abstain from violence unless it is in self-defense, and should also find jobs so they can make "reasonable wages." In addition, Lincoln stated that executive government, including the military, will recognize the former slaves' freedom and will help maintain it.
President Woodrow Wilson
The proclamation is similar to Woodrow Wilson's address to the Senate announcing the passing of the 19th Amendment since in both instances, a previously oppressed minority is getting their rights expanded, as with the passing of the amendment, women earned suffrage.

LAD #19

President Lincoln
In his second inaugural address, President Lincoln said that the progress towards the end of the war was "encouraging" as the Civil War was in its final months. However, he did review how America got to this point, acknowledging that slavery was a principle cause of the war, and that extending slavery was why the southern "insurgents" threatened the Union by war. He says that the government only wanted to restrict the region in which slavery was allowed, implying that the actions of the southerners was not justified. He reminded Americans of how wrong they had been about what the war would be like when it began, saying that neither side thought the war would be as bad as it was, and that neither thought that the cause of the conflict (slavery) would be resolved with or even before the war ended. He finishes by saying that he hopes that, he hopes that Americans are able to work together and end the war soon and heal quickly, which would promote a "lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
President George Washington
Washington's Neutrality Proclamation is relatable to Lincoln's speech since both are advocating for a lasting peace, both in America and abroad.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

LAD #18

Dred Scott
In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott is denied freedom since, as a slave, he is property and his owner could take him into any territory and Scott is still legally owned and therefore still a slave. In addition, Congress cannot ban slavery from any territory due to the Fifth Amendment, which states that a person cannot be deprived of property without due process or just compensation. In this case, Scott is property and therefore cannot be deprived from Sandford, his owner. Lastly, Scott was a slave, not a citizen, so he cannot sue in a Federal Court.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, who decided Marbury v. Madison
This decision is similar to Marbury v. Madison since in both court cases, the Supreme Court assumes power over Congress. In Marbury v. Madison the Supreme Court established judicial review, allowing the Court to determine whether a law was constitutional or not, not Congress. In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress cannot declare slavery illegal.

Blog #17

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth , in her "Ain't I A Woman?" speech, discusses how women should have equal rights as men. She references her history of work, doing what men do, yet she is treated worse than men are. She could eat as much as a man, yet she cannot. She says men are given more than women - their cup holds a quart while hers a pint, and it's mean not to let her have her full share. She argues against the claim that women can't have as much rights as men because Christ is a man, saying that he came from God and a woman. She finishes by saying that women are asking for their rights they deserve, and men better give them to women.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Truth's speech is similar to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, since both Truth and King are asking for equal rights for the group they fight for, and their speeches are powerful through repetition - Truth by repeating "Ain't I a woman?" and King repeating "I have a dream."

Blog #16

Frederick Douglass
Douglass questions whether the freedom written in the Declaration of Independence extends to black people. He does not feel that black people are a part of the Fourth of July since they do not enjoy the independence that white men enjoy. Douglass says that the freedom that is being celebrated shows the disparity between whites and blacks, since everything that is celebrated, blacks don't have ("This Fourth of July is yours, not mine."). He goes so far as to say he is being mocked by being asked to speak during a time when independence is celebrated. He then discusses how wrong slavery is, since it robs men of their liberty. He continues, saying that to the American slave, the Fourth of July is a day that reveals the injustice and cruelty they are subject to. He goes to an extreme, saying there is not  nation on Earth guilty of worse practices than America is at this time.
An image depicting the Seneca Falls Convention
This speech is similar to the Seneca Falls Convention, since like Douglass, the women at the convention are speaking out against injustices they experience from white men in society.

LAD #15

Gettysburg National Cemetery
In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln says that it is proper that a portion of the battlefield is dedicated as the final resting place of soldiers who fought in the Civil War. But, Lincoln says they cannot merely dedicate the ground - they must also devote themselves to the cause the people that will rest in that field fought for. These soldiers should not die in vain, but as the people who allowed America to be reborn, with greater freedom.
The World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.
This address is reminiscent of war memorials across America. These memorials honor fallen soldiers in war who fought so their country could have the freedoms its people enjoy.

LAD #14

President Abraham Lincoln
In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln said that, as president, he does not have the power to abolish slavery. He also said that no state can lawfully secede from the Union, but still asked the Southern states to avoid war. Lincoln also voiced his opinion that secession itself was impractical since the sections cannot be separated "beyond the reach of each other." Lincoln finished by saying that Americans need to think about what they do, and "nothing valuable can be lost by taking time." Also, the issue of Civil War is not in his hands, but the hands of the dissatisfied Americans. If there is a war between the North and the South, it would be started by the South. Lastly, Northerners and Southerners need not be enemies, rather they should be friends.
President John F. Kennedy
Lincoln saying that the issue of Civil War is not in his hands is similar to John F. Kennedy telling Americans "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." The similarity is that the presidents are telling the people in their inaugural address that they are in control, and the people have the power to dictate the course of the country.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

LAD #13: Calhoun's Speech

John C. Calhoun
Calhoun says that from the beginning, he believed that the issue of slavery would end in disunity. He unsuccessfully requested that both parties try to prevent the disunity, and now the Union is in danger. it is up to the government to find a way to preserve the Union.

The first thing to do to answer that question is find out what endangered the Union. The clear answer is the discontent in the South, which began with the issue of slavery and has only increased. To take a step back, what caused the discontent?

It is a mistake to say that the discontent originated with politicians who wanted to further themselves by encouraging the discontent. Rather, the politicians of the South wanted to keep the people quiet, since encouraging discontent would weaken or even destroy the political ties uniting the people in the North and South. However, preserving quiet was not enough to prevent the discontent, so there was another, more powerful cause of the discontent.

The cause is the belief in the South that the people can not remain in the Union, given the present state. Why do they believe this? The movement towards slaves' rights in the North is threatening life in the South. Also, the equality between the North and South when the Constitution was ratified no longer exists - the North controls the government. This control will only increase since Oregon and Minnesota, along with three others that were formerly Mexico's will be added to the North.

No additions to the South appear to be on the horizon. There is going to be many more Northern states, Senators, Congressmen, and electoral votes than there are Southern. This destroys the former equilibrium. Had this been a natural process, then the South would have no reason for complaint, but the imbalance was caused by legislation - the Northern territory was greatly increased, decreasing the portion left for the South. If not for the Ordinance of 1787 and the Missouri Compromise, immigration in each region would be equal, as would the population and number of states in the north and south would be equal. Also, much more taxes were imposed on the South, and more of the money from the taxes went to the North. Having the wealth concentrated in the North increases the population of the North since immigrants are attracted to the region. All of this has created a sectional majority.

Slavery in the South is very important to the social structure, while in the North it is viewed, at the very least, as a stain on the character of the nation, while some go so far as to view it as sinful. In the South, without slavery, will be in poverty, and this is the justification for slavery. Disunion will not occur in one blow, it will occur by a series of blows. The issue of slavery was a major blow, and has put America on the path to disunion.

How can the disunity be prevented? By settling all issues between the North and South. This has to be led by the North, by conceding territory so that it is equal between the sections, and by ending the slave dispute, and amending the Constitution so the two regions are once again equal. Will the North agree to this? It is up to her, but if she loves the Union like she says she does, then she will. The responsibility of saving the Union rests on the North. If no agreement can be reached between the Senators, then their states part in peace. Calhoun says he has expressed his opinions fully and has fulfilled his duty to the best of his ability, and he is now free from all responsibility.
An image depicting the Mexican-American War
Calhoun's speech is similar to the Mexican-American War since like the North and South, there was disunity between America and Mexico, and territory was a main dispute. And, like the Mexican-American War, if an agreement could not be reached, war was necessary to solve the problem. After Calhoun's speech, an agreement could not be reached between the North and the South, so the Civil War occurred.

LAD #12: Polk's War Message

President James K. Polk
Polk starts by saying that he was convinced that it would be okay to resume diplomatic relations with Mexico since the American government expressed a desire to establish peace with Mexico, and has treated Mexico fairly, to the point where it seemed that the two countries would have permanently friendly relations. So, diplomats were sent to Mexico with the goal of resolving their differences. Even though it was agreed upon that a meeting in Mexico would be held, and the communication between the two countries seemed to be friendly, the Mexican Government refused to listen to the diplomats, and have gone so far as to invade America and kill American citizens.

Polk then elaborates on the failed attempt at diplomacy, saying that the US minister for foreign affairs asked if the Mexican Government would be okay having a meeting with American diplomats to resolve their disputes. He received a positive response from the Mexican minister. So, Polk sent John Slidell to communicate with Mexico, discussing the Texas border among other things.

Polk said he believed that the Mexican Government did sincerely want to solve the problems, however they succumbed to the hatred from the revolutionary party. So, they refused to meet with Slidell. General Herrera soon after surrendered the government to General Paredes and resigned the presidency - the revolution had been accomplished by the army, and thusly the supreme power and the supreme power in Mexico was in the hands of a military leader.

Determined to make peace, Polk directed Slidell to ask to meet with General Paredes, and he was declined, so Slidell came back to America. Polk then says Mexico showed no dignity in rejecting Slidell after they agreed to meet with him, and it is nothing the American Government did that provoked Mexico to not speak with Slidell.

Polk ordered a military force to go to Texas and meet an invasion by Mexican forces, an invasion motivated by Texas wanting to annex itself to America. As a territory that's about to be part of America, it is the duty of America to protect her people and her land. The military remained until Polk was told by Mexico that the Mexican Government would refuse to meet the army.

However, the Mexican forces became threatening, and American troops were sent to the Rio del Norte in case the Mexican troops crossed or were preparing to cross the river. The Americans were surrounded and were forced to surrender.

Polk said that business with Mexico, once mutually beneficial, has been permanently damaged. America's restraint in going to war was ineffective, and had America militarily handled the mistreatment from the Mexicans, it would have escaped the current situation. Instead, America is dealing with Mexico, who wants a war to reclaim Texas. America has tried everything and cannot reconcile with the Mexicans, and now Mexico has invaded America and attacked American citizens - the two nations are now at war.

Polk finishes by saying that the war was caused solely by Mexico, but America's participation is necessary since it confirms its honor and allows America to pursue its interests.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Polk's War Message is similar to President Roosevelt's declaration of war on Germany during World War II. In both instances, the president believes war has been provoked by the other nation, and war is required to stop the mistreatment.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Roll of Honor with the signatures of the people present at the convention.
The women alter the Declaration of Independence to include women - "all men and women are created equal." They relate the "usurpations and abuses" of Britain on the colonies to those of men to women. The women say that if it is written that the colonies had the right to overthrow a government that had absolute power, then they can demand equality with men, who up to that point had absolute power.

Next, a series of grievances are listed that provide evidence that women are not equal, including that women cannot vote, do not have rights that even the most ignorant and degraded men" (natives and foreigners) have, and cannot go to college. The women demand to have the rights and privileges they wrote about that they lacked at the time.

The women end by saying that it is accepted as a principle of nature that humans can pursue their own happiness. Then then list all the ways they are unequal to men, and resolve each issue by proving how it violates the principle of nature or the word of God. Any law saying women are not equal to men should be regarded as false.

The text of the Civil Rights Bill of 1866
The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 is similar to the Seneca Falls Declaration since it was a step in the right direction for a group often discriminated against to being respected, or at least acknowledged, by the majority.

Monday, October 31, 2016

LAD #10: Monroe Doctrine

A cartoon depicting the main takeaway from the Monroe Doctrine
What did the issuing of the Monroe Doctrine express from an American perspective post War of 1812?
The War of 1812 started after Britain interfered with the United States by impressing sailors and not removing troops from US territory. The doctrine is stating that Europe should refrain from interfering with the development of America. America was tired of other countries trying to run America and treat it like a colony.

What was Secretary of State Adams' hope when he wrote the Monroe Doctrine?
Adams wanted Europeans to stop interfering with US affairs. He wrote that "it is impossible that the allied power should extend their political system to any portion of either continent, without endangering our peace and happiness." In addition, Adams wanted the US to maintain friendly relations with other nations while staying neutral, as written in the last sentence: "It is still the true policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, in the hope that other powers will pursue the same course."

What is the key phrase in the entire document that you need to remember as the cornerstone of American foreign policy?
The final sentence, quoted above, stating that America will remain neutral. This policy goes all the way back to Washington and his Neutrality Proclamation. America will leave the other nations alone, and hopefully they will reciprocate.
The "hands off" idea in the Monroe Doctrine cartoon above is often associated with laissez-faire
The doctrine asking other nations to leave America alone is similar to the idea of laissez-faire, in which people of a nation ask their government to stay out of business. Laissez-faire was advocated for during the Antebellum period, as southern planters wanted the government to remove tariffs on the exporting of their products.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

LAD #9

Thomas Jefferson
In his first inaugural address, Jefferson begins by saying that America is on the rise. It is expanding, great production is coming from the nation's manufacturers, and America is engaged in good trade. He continues, asking Americans to unite. Jefferson tells Americans not to let the political parties divide the people. He also advises citizens to trust the system of government in place, don't worry that the government doesn't have enough power. He said the government is quite strong because people respect the law and care about the good of the nation. Jefferson contrasts the state of America with the state of Europe, saying that life in America, particularly popular sovereignty, is great in comparison to the turmoil occurring in Europe at the same time. He says that America has many of the qualities necessary for a happy and prosperous nation, citing the great people and vast land. He then says the one thing that will complete the happiness of America is a government that prevents people from hurting each other, but does not regulate business, and does not tax too heavily. He says this is the epitome of a good government. He then goes over what he believes are the essential principles of the government. First, he says, is equal justice for all men, regardless of religion or political party. Then, honest friendship with all nations, and no entangling alliances. He also believes the support of the state governments is important, as well as preserving the government as the Constitution intends it to be. These principles are proven to be successful as they guided the nation through a revolution and the formation of our country. He finishes by saying he believes his prior experience in government has prepared him for this position, and asks in advance for forgiveness for any mistakes he will make in office. His goal in office is to maintain the approval of the citizens, which got him elected in the first place, and to bring happiness and peace to all Americans.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
Jefferson asking Americans to unite and not let political parties divide the nation brings to mind the current Presidential election, where many people are so strongly in support of one candidate or the other that the parties may be dividing the nation once more, as they did in 1800, when Jefferson was elected.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Should Christopher Columbus be considered a hero or villain?

Christopher Columbus
Columbus should be considered a villain because he committed a holocaust of the Native Americans. Upon landing in the New World, Columbus instantly took natives as prisoners and forced them to take him to the source of gold. Throughout his expeditions, he took natives captive with each new island he hit, using them as slaves. Columbus made an outlandish promise of bringing back lots of gold that simply was not present in the region, so he made the natives find gold, and when they did not find enough, they had their hands amputated. If they fled, they were hunted down by dogs. Once the small amount of gold was picked over, the natives became slaves on encomiendas.
Columbus's encounter with natives is like American imperialism in Hawaii. In Columbus's voyage, he ended up in total control of the region, like the US controlled all of Hawaii's ports, buildings, and military equipment.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington
With the election approaching, Washington informs the people that he is declining to run for office once more. He explains that this is a well thought out decision, and it has nothing to do with lack of care for the future of the country or with the respect of the citizens. He actually planned on not running for a second term, however the state of foreign affairs led him to forget the idea.

Washington is glad that the people are concerned about the good of the country, however he hopes that they will not disapprove of his decision. The older he gets, the more he realizes he is ready to retire. He is grateful for the support he has received over the years, and hopes the citizens' happiness can be made complete.

He informs the people that the current state of the government - unified - will not always be that way. He also says people need to remain united. The North needs the South, and vice versa, the East needs the West, and vice versa. This interdependence will make the nation stronger and will provide greater security from "external danger."

Having an effective government is not easy, shown by the Articles of Confederation. However, the Constitution is "better calculated" and the government should receive credit for that. Also, the laws in the Constitution should be adhered to, and however if the people disagree with a law, they should change it, since just disobeying the law is destructive.

Parties may seem like they're doing good, but they actually are the enemy of government. They pit people against each other and leave America vulnerable to other countries. People should be cautious regarding who they elect into political office, and be careful in not allowing one branch to have power over the others. If the citizens think the balance of power is off, it should be corrected in the Constitution, but be careful, since this can lead to destruction of the government.

Religion and morality are important to political prosperity, as well as education. Have a positive, peaceful relationship with other nations, and do not have rivalries with these nations. Also bad are permanent alliances, since they can result in unwanted participation in war, or can result in foreign nations interfering with America. The most important thing about trade relations with other countries is having them with minimal political connection.

He hopes what he said will be helpful in preventing waves of powerful parties in the future or reminding people to stay out of foreign affairs. Regarding the ongoing war in Europe, stick to the Proclamation of Neutrality - it is not worth it, as a new nation, to get involved in a war. He finishes by saying that while he has made mistakes, he hopes they were not too costly, and that people will forgive him. Lastly, he is excited to be a citizen of a free country, a happy reward for the work he has done.
Barack Obama giving the State of the Union speech in 2011
Washington's address is similar to State of the Union Addresses in America today. Although Washington is about to leave office, he essentially discusses the state of America during that time and expresses his views on major issues.

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

The Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
The United States will pursue a friendly and impartial (neutral) conduct towards the world's powers that are currently at war. Washington warns American citizens not to take part in activities that go against this position. Any citizen that helps or harms any of the powers will be subject to punishment. Citizens will also be punished for violating the law of nations.

A Dr. Seuss cartoon depicting America's post-WWI policy of isolationism
Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality is similar to the policy of isolationism the US had after World War I. Like Washington's proclamation, the US stayed out of foreign affairs.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LAD #5: Federalist #10

Federalist #10

Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

The only way to eliminate them would be to destroy the citizens' freedoms or create a society where every person has the same opinions. Both are highly unlikely or even impossible.

If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

While removing the cause of the factions is not possible, the impact of the faction can be controlled, either by outvoting a minority faction or having the government overrule a faction if it is a majority, in the interest of the good of society.

James Madison's definition of a faction - a group of people who share an interest - is the definition of today's political parties. Today's current political factions share the qualities of the factions described in Federalist #10 by Madison.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Republican Motherhood Blog

What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

The war was used to explain the transition in the role of women. As Graves writes, the job of a woman is patriotic in that she serves her country by raising good citizens an leading young minds "along the pleasant paths of knowledge."

What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Once they became mothers, women's lives were centered around teaching their sons and giving them an enlightened education, as Rush writes. In school women were prepared for these duties. Running the home was everything for women, and neglecting these duties by going out and socializing was going against what God wanted her to do.

What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

Republican Motherhood elevated the role of women and gave them value. With both their role as teachers and their upbringing of the next generation, they became increasingly important to society (Stearns writes that "Society is her empire"). Stearns continues, saying that the destiny of America depends on the women of America, and they have the power to shape whether America will be "refined" or immoral.

Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons

Describe the setting.

The scene takes place in the home of the family, where women are expected to work in the model of Republican Motherhood. Tilghman is caring for her children, and doing the job of a mother in this era.

Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?

The mother is in the center because she is the focus of the picture. Republican Motherhood raised the focus on women and recognized their importance to the future of the country. She looks at ease, possibly because her children are behaving, meaning she is doing her job by raising civilized children. She does not look "aristocratic" because she is not wearing fancy clothing and does not appear to represent the upper class. She seems to be a working class mother doing her job.

What values do her sons exhibit?

The sons look to be well-behaved, valuing respect and order. Their calm, yet happy demeanor, shows that they know what is expected of them and were raised well.

Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilghman's arm?

The younger child appears to be more active, with his arms in the air, so she is holding him still with her arm and supporting him, which represents the role of women in Republican Motherhood - to support their children.

Rosie the Riveter, who represented women working in factories during World War II.

Like women saw an elevated role when Republican Motherhood came about during the Revolutionary War, women found a new importance during World War II as well, as they worked in factories, doing jobs normally performed by men.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blog #4: Revolution Article

Emanuel Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware, one of the many Revolution paintings that neglected to show battle scenes.

  1. Artwork depicting the American Revolution often neglects to show battle scenes, which contributes to the belief that the war was more violent than often perceived
  2. 1 of every 4 Continental Army soldier died, while 1 of 5 regulars died in the Civil War
  3. The percentage of Continental prisoners who died exceeded the percentage of Union troops who died in the Andersonville prison, and is comparable to the number of US soldiers who died in Japanese internment camps during WWII
  4. Countless civilians also died during the Revolution from diseases spread by soldiers
  5. 0.5% of the civilian population died of war causes in both the Civil War and the American Revolution
Abraham Lincoln

Like the American Revolution, the Civil War is also commonly misunderstood. The Revolution is misunderstood in terms of how violent it was, whereas the Civil War is misunderstood for why Abraham Lincoln chose to fight the war. Lincoln did not choose to fight the Civil War to end slavery, as is commonly believed. Rather, Lincoln chose to fight the war to prevent the southern states from seceding so the Union was preserved, which he believed was one of his duties as President.

Monday, September 19, 2016

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.

The Declaration of Independence is based on core democratic principles that apply to all men. These include the belief that all men are created equal and have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In addition, the colonists believed that the citizens should have a say in government, so Thomas Jefferson wrote that the government gets power from the consent of the governed. Lastly, when a government becomes destructive or too powerful, the citizens can revolt, like the colonists did against the King of Great Britain.

The colonists justified their pursuit of independence with grievances against the king, namely:
  • His refusal to pass laws that help the citizens
  • Creating new offices that harm the people
  • Keeping standing armies in times of peace without consent
  • Quartering troops
  • Cutting off colonists' trade with the rest of the world
  • Force taxes without consent
  • Deny the colonists of trial by jury
  • Declaring the colonies out of his protection and declaring war against them
  • Invading the coasts and burning towns
The Declaration of Independence finishes with a conclusion in which the colonies claim they should be, and declare themselves to be free and independent. They also remove all loyalties and political connections to Britain, and say they have the power to declare war, make peace, start alliances, and establish trading relationships wherever they see fit.

Alex Rodriguez at the press conference announcing the end of his playing career with the New York Yankees

The colonists' relationship with Britain is similar to the Yankees' tumultuous relationship with Alex Rodriguez. What seemed like a positive, working partnership  in the beginning became filled with distaste. Like the colonies declared independence from Britain, the Yankees "declared independence" from Rodriguez by coming to an agreement with him that resulted in his release from the team.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

John Peter Zenger

Who was John Peter Zenger?

Zenger was a printer in New York who printed the New York Weekly Journal. The newspaper included many criticisms of the government, particularly towards the governor, William S. Crosby. While Zenger did not write the articles, he was arrested for libel - publishing works that oppose the government. He refused to name the anonymous authors.

What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.

Obviously, it is controversial that Zenger did not write the articles, but still was convicted of a crime. Also, many believed the government was restricting the freedom of the citizens to convey their ideas. For these reasons, many believed Zenger should not be convicted. The first jury of the trial was filled with men paid by the governor, and Zenger's wife published accounts of this. Her publications led to a second, fair jury. On top of this, supporters of Zenger's cause hired Andrew Hamilton, one of the most famous lawyers of the time, to defend him. Hamilton made the argument that Zenger should not be guilty since his publications were true, and said a free press is the only thing that can protect the citizens from corruption. The jury quickly found Zenger not guilty, and he and Hamilton were revered.

What influence did this case have on American governmental tradition?

The trial impacted future members of government and their views on freedom of the citizens to convey their ideas. The first US Congress ensured free press in the First Amendment.

What is the lasting significance of his trial?

After the verdict was reached, journalists became more outspoken and felt more open to write their opinions, and printers were free to publish them. This was evident leading up to the American Revolution as many newspapers used it to speak their minds about their dislikes of the British government and their desires for independence. As more people saw this, revolutionary spirit among colonists soared. As mentioned above, once freedom was achieved, freedom of the press was the First Amendment to the new Constitution.

The Haymarket Affair
Like John Peter Zenger, a man named Oscar Neebe was wrongfully convicted of a crime. Neebe was accused of bombing Haymarket Square in Chicago, Illinois in 1886. Neebe also had to serve time in jail before being proven innocent.