Wednesday, December 21, 2016

LAD #23: Populists

The Populist Party nominating convention in 1890
The Populist Party was formed to appeal to workers ("we seek to restore the government of the Republic to the hands of the 'plain people.'"). They wrote that workers should be able to unionize, and fought for a shortened workday and reasonable wages. The Populists favored an involved government, including government ownership of railroads, the telegraph, and the telephone. Also, they wanted restricted immigration - land owned by foreigners should be reclaimed by the government and given to "actual settlers." Plus, the Populists sought a more direct democracy - they wanted direct election of Senators, and a free ballot and fair count, expressing their displeasure with the corruption in elections. In addition, they demanded free and unlimited gold and silver coins, and thought that the country's money should be kept in the hands of the people - the state and national revenue should only be for the necessary expenses of the government - otherwise the money should be with the people.
Alexander Hamilton, a prominent Federalist
The Populist Party is similar to the Federalist Party, since both parties desired a strong central government influence in the lives of the people.

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