Wednesday, December 21, 2016

LAD #24: Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan
At the 1896 Democratic National Convention, William Jennings Bryan says that he supports free silver (bimetallism), since he believes it would bring the nation prosperity. He also strongly opposed gold, saying that America should not just have a gold standard because England does, and that America does not need help from another country to use silver ("let England have bimetallism because the United States have"). Bryan believes that America needs an Andrew Jackson to "stand . . . against the encroachments of aggregated wealth." Bryan then defends the income tax, saying it justly puts the burdens of the government on the backs of the people - the government protects the people, so it's fair that the people are paying the government back for their protection. He says that Democrats are against the bank currency, and again complements Jackson, saying that in destroying the bank he "saved America." This speech gave Bryan recognition and led to his nomination for President.
Andrew Jackson
Bryan's speech is similar to Specie Circular, issued by Andrew Jackson. In both instances, the men are advocating for a change in acceptable currency. Jackson requires gold or silver to buy land instead of paper money, while Bryan wants to change from a gold standard to bimetallism, in which silver is an acceptable currencty.

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